White Rock Celebrated 50 years of the Polar Bear Plunge into Semiahmoo Bay on January 1, 2020.
.The WhiteRockPier.ca Polar Bear Plunge / Swim Photo Gallery.

Digital Photography - Postcards - Greeting Cards - Photo Restoration
White Rock Celebrated 50 years of the Polar Bear Plunge into Semiahmoo Bay on January 1, 2020.
.The WhiteRockPier.ca Polar Bear Plunge / Swim Photo Gallery.
I had never paid much attention to crows. I thought they were just noisy, obnoxious pests. At least, that’s how I saw them when I lived back in Ontario. But then we moved to “Supernatural” British Columbia in 2012, and a couple things changed my mind about these black rascals.
It was low tide and we were strolling along the beach out in front of the 486-ton white rock looking for interesting stones and shells. Although I heard no sound other than the light lapping of waves, I started to get an odd sense – as if we were being followed.
I stopped suddenly, turned around and saw one lone crow following in my footsteps as I picked up and discarded unwanted stones. My sudden stop and about-face caused this crow to stop suddenly as well, and he seemed to look around as if to ask, “What’s wrong – is someone following us?” It was a comical moment and I began to wonder if there was more to crows than I’d previously noticed.
Shortly after that day, we noticed a particular crow near our own home. He had a broken beak but it never seemed to prevent him from hunting for food and having success. We named him “Brokebeak” and began throwing a few peanuts out for him and a couple of his pals.
About this time, we also embarked on an intensive walking program to both lose weight and get in better shape. Our walks would usually take us from our East Beach location heading west along the White Rock Beach promenade, all the way uphill on Oxford Street, then east on 16 Avenue into town where we would stop sometimes for a cold drink before continuing the trek back home.
What we noticed when we reached the alley leading to our home – and with still about one kilometre to go – was the sudden appearance of our new friends. I commented that they seemed to recognize us. Ric threw them some peanuts that he had in his pocket and they dove for them.
Yes, they had recognized us as we’ve since learned. They can recognize faces and they know people who are kind to crows and those who aren’t. While they can be both thieves and pranksters (more on that to follow), they also demonstrate a lot of intelligence.
They tend to follow us some distance when we go for walks – even as far as the White Rock pier or farther. Often Ric has gone out among the tidal pools at low tide with his tripod and camera, and our feathered friends will show up, patiently waiting for treats to follow after he takes his pictures.
Our crow pals also seem to watch the house, and when they spot our car pulling out, they swoop in and fly along beside the car to get our attention. They’ll often fly along side until they get their peanut rations. And they also watch for us to return home. But we have one rule: if they’re noisy, they get no reward. Only quiet birds get treats.
Just the 8"x 8" print – $19 all taxes included.
Both of these ready-to-hang framed prints are in stock and ready to purchase from
We don’t expect everyone to share our love of crows, but there’s no denying their intelligence and cleverness. While that might not encourage affection, it should at least afford them a bit of respect.
This ready-to-hang framed print is in stock and ready to purchase from
Just the 8"x 8" print – $19 all taxes included.
Both of these ready-to-hang framed prints are in stock and ready to purchase from
What is “The Virtual Edge?”
Simply put…
Your Unfair Advantage
No matter what kind of business you have – big or small – you can get the unfair advantage we refer to as The Virtual Edge over competing businesses. We consider business a game and we play to WIN, in turn generating business for our clients. In business there are usually other companies wanting the same thing. We like to use the analogy of a sled dog team. There can only be one lead dog, as the other dogs are only following the lead. We like the lead dog view as he can see everything – the others are simply looking at dog BUTT.
Visit VirtualEdge.ca for more information and contact info. We cater to businesses worldwide. If you are in Newfoundland, Ontario, California, New Zealand — NO PROBLEM, we are only a click or email away.
The above image shows the last 100 visitors on WhiteRockBeach.ca
Virtual Edge Communications & WhiteRockBeach.ca are excited the visitors to our site have been increasing daily. The above map shows the last 100 visitors to the site. We even have visitors from Canada’s other coast on the Atlantic Ocean, in St John’s, wanting to see what is going on in White Rock Beach in beautiful British Columbia. Another site we run had over 500,000 visitors last year and recently as many as 14,000 visitors in a 3-day period. On WhiteRockBeach.ca we are logging visitors from Argentina, New Zealand, Sweden, Japan, etc.
If we can put White Rock Beach on the map, just imagine what we can do for you.
Through our parent company (the people that own all the toys we use), Virtual Edge Communications, we offer website design, digital photography, and digital video with professional titling and special effects. With our writing/editing/design services we offer the following: press releases, brochures, flyers, manuals/reports, newsletters, eBooks, resumes, and cover letters. We don’t simply cater to large companies; small businesses or even individuals wanting exposure can use our services.
We shoot more than just pretty sunrises and sunsets.
We photograph just about everything!
Promote White Rock Beach and your name / business / website to the WORLD. Ideal for hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts, real estate agents, restaurants, gift shops, dentists, or any business catering to tourists or newcomers to British Columbia. Using the White Rock name in your business name - get the goodwill of investing in your local neighborhood.
Our premium sponsored postcards are printed on a thicker whiter stock, standing out from other postcards on the market. Want to sponsor a custom postcard with colour theme, subject, view, etc? Contact Ric Wallace and he will come up with an idea. Below are samples sponsored postcards with text printed on 5,000 postcards. CLICK HERE to see all current postcards.
White Rock photographer Ric Wallace has produced over 300 White Rock Beach (more planned for 2018) and 50+ Wildlife of Canada postcard and greeting card designs. Due to increases in production costs and not wanting to raise prices in stores, he is seeking sponsors to help offset production and printing costs. Ideal for individuals and families wanting to have a memorial keepsake or businesses wanting a unique opportunity to maybe gain more recognition by having their business name and website purchased by local residents and tourists as keepsakes or to be mailed around the world.
You can sponsor a current postcard in need of a reprint or a new design. Interested sponsors with the highest sponsoring level will be given first choice.
Want to see and receive some samples or more info? Contact Ric Wallace.
(people also like to climb, hug or get their photo taken in front of or on top of the rock)
Postcard King Ric Wallace has produced over 101 White Rock / South South postcards and greeting cards with NO TAX dollars or funding. Theses products support the efforts of WhiteRockBeach.ca. Stop by and get your photo taken for FREE.
We are asking people to share the Spirit of AMAZING White Rock Beach by sharing White Rock Beach postcards with family, friends, and business acquaintances. If you are going on a trip, why not help promote White Rock Beach by packing some White Rock Beach postcards. Naturally, not everyone can afford vacations to faraway places, but anyone can share them around the globe via Canada Post.
Anyone wanting to talk in person – Ric Wallace (AKA – Mr White Rock) will be set up inside the White Rock Library at 15342 Buena Vista Avenue, White Rock BC V4B 1Y6
Friday, January 27 & Saturday, January 28, 2017 – 11 am to 4 pm. Ric has designed and produced 200+ postcards, greeting cards, magnets, coins, pins, annual reports, newsletters, canvas – metal – acrylic prints, websites, blogs, eCommerce sites worldwide and much more. The largest photo of his was a 10 foot by 20 foot banner wrapped around a barn silo. His products have been shipped to over 90 countries.
Ric will be releasing his new RICco.ca line of greeting cards at the White Rock Library – Over 150 greeting cards.
Acrylic & Canvas Prints as well as all 101 White Rock Beach postcards and greeting cards will be on display and for sale. Ric Wallace holds the record for postcards of White Rock Beach and has claimed the title of the Postcard KING of White Rock / South Surrey.
Seeing photos on an Acrylic Print is an eye-popping experience. The combination of super-vivid printing, professional-quality materials, and the depth and details of these photos creates a truly magical effect. Photos of White Rock Beach on Acrylic will amaze you.
Purchase one of these Acrylic Prints and receive 6 FREE Greeting Cards or postcards
ARTographer Ric Wallace, also known as the Postcard King Of South Surrey and BC, is excited to be the FIRST White Rock Beach ARTIST to OFFER 8″ x 8″ mini canvas prints (he still offers his 16″ x 20″, 24″ x 48″ and 30″ x 60″ canvas prints, also 20″x 28″ acrylic prints ). These mini canvas prints are ONLY offered for sale at the waterfront Artist walk location (weather permitting) or directly from Ric Wallace – see card below.
The cost of these MINI Canvas Prints is $80 all taxes included.
Add a table top easel for $40 extra all taxes included.
FREE White Rock Beach greeting card with every
8″ x 8″ canvas print purchased at our tent at the west beach.
Looking for 16″ x 20″ or 30″ x 60″ canvas prints? Please visit White Rock Pharmacy, 102 – 1440 George St., White Rock BC V4B 4A3
These would look ideal in coffee shops, hair salons, doctors’ offices, legal offices, home offices, bathrooms, on top of fireplaces on mini easels. Our first mini canvas print sale was purchased as a house warming gift. Attention realtors: Sell a house – These are an inexpensive and unique gift to offer on completion of a successful sale!
Outside Frame Size 25″ x 49″
Price $700 all taxes included and in stock
Canvas Size 30″ x 60″
Price $800 all taxes included and in stock
For realtors that sell a home in the White Rock/South Surrey area, you can afford the 30″ x 60″ canvas prints.
White Rock Beach Gallery founder ARTographer Ric Wallace shares some photos of how his galleries have evolved since spring 2015.
This was an early setup of the Now Famous White Rock Beach Gallery 2015. I had never set up one of these tents before. Things learned since then, dealing with wind from the ocean and trains. Noise of the trains, I NOW bring hearing protection. The above display stands are not practical for waterfront display use. The above setup has only one 24″ x 48″ table.
The above setup summer of 2016, FIVE – 24″ x 48″ tables are used, with rubber top mats to stop things from being blown away. Tables are leveled using customized hockey pucks and wood spacers. Custom-made postcard and greeting card pockets are mounted to tables and the poles of the tent. The tent was modified to allow it to support horizontal poles on the back and left side. Sixty pounds of ankle weights on the front poles help stabilize the tent in windy conditions. On display are postcards, greeting cards, magnets, 6″ x 8″ and 8″ x 10″ prints, 16″ x 20″ canvas prints, 20″ x 28″ acrylic prints, framed prints and magnets. Magnet boards are placed on the table to help create a wall of products. Many of the products are also online for sale on WhiteRockBeach.ca. You can see an archive of some of my Instagram post photos here (BEST displayed on a computer):
Get the WOW-Factor with these 20″ x 28″ Acrylic Prints by ARTographer Ric Wallace
Seeing these photos as Acrylic Prints is an eye-popping experience. The combination of super-vivid printing, professional-quality materials, and the depth and details of these photos creates a truly magical effect.
Shown here is a THREE- 24″ x 48″ table setup in front of the White Rock Museum AUGUST 2015.
Below is early spring 2016 with FOUR – 24″ x 48″ tables making a perfect 6-foot square, with a hole in the center allowing 4 picture easels. Postcard and greeting card pockets mount to tables, allowing boxes and other items to be stored below neatly. People can walk completely around the display. An industrial designer visiting White Rock Beach was very impressed with the display setup; he stopped by to talk and see how it was set up.
Shown above is a 30″ x 60″ canvas print.
This White Rock Beach Gallery when setup in front of the White Rock Museum is wheel chair accessible.
Above is a FOUR – 24″ x 48″ table setup (ONE & THREE) July 2016 – trying a new concept.
Above is a THREE – 24″ x 48″ table setup Jun 25th, 2016 – trying a reduced setup to hasten set up and take down time.
Early spring 2015 a permanent uptown location was set up at White Rock Pharmacy at 102 – 1440 George St., White Rock BCV4B 4A3. The good people of White Rock Pharmacy are offering Ric Wallace space on their walls to showcase his canvas prints. Some of the canvas prints on display and for sale.
Some of the nice people I have met at the White Rock Beach Gallery..
If you have hundreds of images and only require low quality or computer resolution, purchasing your own film / flatbed scanner from Staples or Best Buy might suit your needs.
This site caters to higher quality image photo restoration & reproduction suitable for printing photos to be cherished for years to come. |
SEARCH BY: A.M., P.M., Black & White, Sunrise, Sunset, Dramatic, HDR, Photo Prints, The White Rock, The White Rock Pier, Trains, Train Tracks, East Beach, West Beach, Fall Colours. HDR, Nighttime, Mount Baker, WA, Birds, Eagles, Wildlife
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